Echo replied

500 weeks ago

What classes are you planning on using for this group?

I have
Echo Era
90 WHM
85 BLM
78 PLD
65 BRD
She also has a UAT and 10 soldiery tokens to use on one of the above classes. Been waiting to purchase depending on which class the group needs. I have the most experience tanking but I already have a geared paladin so not so sure that I want two paladin toons, but I'm not sure if our group actually has two tanks in it yet or not.

Kat Lyn is normally locked out for second coil, but don't know how long I'll be staying in this group. She does have a geared (100+ each) pld and blm though

Nahte (the bf) has a geared blm and smn (t7). I believe he's been getting some gear for his DRG with a handful of 110's on it, too.

last edited 500 weeks ago by Echo
omg a line –^

Reion Del Default replied

500 weeks ago

Truthfully what we lack is healers but more so people interested healing in what we can call challenging/stressful content until rehearsed and experienced.

I'll mention some classes that people have to offer and we can begin to figure out what we can do about setting up your alt :)

Reion Del: DRG i94/MNK i97/ BRD i90/ WAR i92 /BLM i91 - will be playing MNK for content until next patch

Mik Vii - BLM/BRD/WAR/PLD - Will most likely tank together with Dark if asked

Dark Delacroix - PLD/BLM - ^

Mog Net - DRG <–- Mog will for sure go DRG lol

As for tanks the job can definitely be delegated to Mik and Dark. They both will not mind tanking as we will be learning the content but we have to figure this out for sure.

We can figure the next step out if I can find some people interested in healing coil, I also don't know what people want to loot for etc.

Echo replied

500 weeks ago

Thanks for the info. Yeah I only included BRD because I don't think anybody has a BRD, and Echo mained BRD in 1.0 (though all of my 1.0 darklight was transformed into "of Maiming" which is pointless for bard…and not-that-great for this patch regardless). I haven't actively started gearing BRD on Echo yet though. (BLM and BRD won't have an i90 weapon until I finish their class quests).

I tried to BRD (on Kat) when before second coil was released, but after 2 months of BRD'ing and no aiming gear to show for it, I switched mains.

So we have two tanks (mik/dark), two melee (mog/reion), a caster (nahte), me (misc) and a need for two of three (2 heals and dps). Is that the full group or do we have any other bodies?

I keep cycling back and forth between how much I want to whm (sch is only 40's atm because arcanist wasn't out in 1.0). I've been having decent enough fun with it almost everywhere besides T5. I'm confident I can heal T6 without a problem though because I know that zone completely.

I'd probably be switching back to Kat after the patch. All of her alts are i90+ though and soldiery will be uncapped at that point.
omg a line –^

Mog Admin replied

500 weeks ago

Lol I've got BLM around i101 as well but my dps on DRG will far outshine it.

Reion Del Default replied

500 weeks ago

As of right now I'm counting;

Reion Del
Mik Vii
Dark Delacroix
Mog Net
Echo Era

I'm going to assume we're all on board 100% and start making necessary moves to find other 2 people so we can begin practicing/progressing on Coil. From here we will finalize classes and see if maybe 2-3 may alternate or give healing a shot.

With that said if you guys know 2 people interested in coil let me know soon as possible as I will be looking to fill up the group by tomorrow. Then begin with schedule and match time zones.

sansmode replied

500 weeks ago

Please include myself (Flo Dron) and Helmut Lang in the group as well. We are both BLM main (i106/i109). I also have a geared WHM (i103) and Helmut can also go SCH if necessary.

We are both EST time zone and are usually available in the evenings around 8PM.

last edited 500 weeks ago by sansmode

Reion Del Default replied

500 weeks ago

Got it Flo.

The only thing that's going on right now is that Ranzera had mentioned that him and his GF may join the static last night as the final 2.

I just need to talk to everyone and figure this out because this will take trial and error and a lot of commitment…

Mog Admin replied

500 weeks ago

I think tomorrow night might be a good time to have a chat and maybe take a group into T6 for a play around.

Dark Delacroix Admin replied

500 weeks ago

Are we doing anything tonight?

Reion Del Default replied

500 weeks ago

Would like to if people are on
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